Swedish Sticky Chocolate Cake (Kladdkaka)

Our Swedish Sticky Chocolate Cake (Kladdkaka) recipe review is a surprising blend of moist gooey insides and an ever so slightly crispness to the outside. Rather reminiscent of a brownie, this Kladdkaka is a chocolate lovers dream!

What is Kladdkaka anyhow?

In Swedish, kladdig means “sticky” and kaka means “cake”. One of many traditional Swedish desserts, this chocolate cake recipe uses relatively little flour in relation to its quantities of butter, sugar, and eggs. Also, the recipe does not have any baking soda in it.

Giving thanks to where its due

We give a big thanks to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kladdkaka for providing an excellent explanation of what a Kladdkaka, or Swedish Sticky Chocolate Cake, is and how it is different from other cake recipes.

We also want to give credit to https://tastywoo.com/swedish-chocolate-cakes-kladdkaka-the-most-popular-6-ingredient-dessert12/ as the source for our recipe review!

The making of this Swedish Sticky Chocolate cake otherwise known as Kladdkaka

This dessert is very easy to make! We spent more time trying to decorate the cake than making it! The ingredients are basic pantry supplies. The recipe is easy to follow and we didn’t find any surprises in the making of our chosen review.

Sometimes that does happen to the best of us but it still leaves the reader scratching their heads wondering what to do next.

Swedish Sticky Chocolate Cake

For this recipe, you mix the moist ingredients first then add the dry ingredients. Next, you pour the thickened batter into a pan that is greased lightly then coated with cocoa powder. After that, you bake for 20 minutes.

How the cake should turn out

Be careful to not overbake this cake. You want a somewhat molten, moist interior. And be sure to bake at the correct temp.

You want the crust to be the texture of a brownie; slightly hard and crispy…if that makes sense.

The inner texture should be soft and gooey, hence it’s namesake!

The trickiest part was getting the cake out of the pan without it falling apart on us. The middle is a tad thin so beware!

Let this cake cool down for about 15-20 minutes before even attempting to cut and serve. Regardless, prepare yourselves for a messy experience.

Warning: This is not a cake to hand to a young child lest you want them looking like they rolled in the mud or something!

Swedish Sticky Chocolate Cake (Kladdkaka)

Really, this Swedish Sticky Chocolate Cake (Kladdkaka) is a very soft cake.

You have been warned!

Wrap up and last minute thoughts On our Swedish Sticky Chocolate Cake otherwise known as Kladdkaka

When we were plotting out our Thanksgiving menu, we knew we wanted the main course to be more traditional. But we couldn’t decide on our desserts other than we wanted something…different.

We came across the name Swedish Sticky Chocolate Cake that caught our interest. We are quite pleased with the end result and also very thankful that this recipe is a simple one to make.

Our other chosen recipe for our holiday menu is a cranberry curd made with Stevia and is a festive addition to our dessert section, check it out here Reduced Sugar Cranberry Curd Tart.

Our chosen desserts for Thanksgiving!

Looking for a more traditional dessert? We have a wonderful Apple Pie made with Stevia here: Baked Apple Pie with Stevia.

Behind the scenes moments

We want to give you a peek at what a food bloggers life is like…at least for us. We knew we had to get our blog and recipes posted well ahead of Thanksgiving time.

Which means we need to cook all of our Thanksgiving well ahead of time. We, brilliantly, decided to do a bunch of recipes in a few days time.

Doesn’t sound too bad, right?

By the time we were done for the day, we were so tired we could have died. Ok, not literally, but maybe a few tears were shed in pure relief when we could all…finally…go to bed.

The process of blogging

The cooking isn’t so bad, otherwise we can’t call ourselves food bloggers! It is the constant stop and take a ton of pictures for different steps in wild hopes that at least one or two will come out.

It is the quick cleaning of the kitchen while cooking everything so that it doesn’t look like a bomb went off come picture time. See above about pictures.

Then there is a certain 5 year old that is helping….too much!

What should only take a matter of hours to cook was an all day marathon.

We wouldn’t have it any other way. We will have plenty of leftovers to drag out come Turkey day. Either that, or we are going to Rochelle’s favorite place to eat: MacDonald’s.

The struggle is real!

Here is a picture of Tanya looking a bit haggled somewhere in the end to endless line of recipes:

Tanya looks tired!

Ya, there really is no point on getting fancy dressed or slapping on a bunch of make up for days like these! Eventually, when we start doing Youtube, then yes, we will try to be more presentable.

Speaking of videos, here is a blooper reel of when we tried to do a short clip for this recipe but things didn’t go as planned!

Blooper reel time!!

Ah well, we laugh often when we are cooking, even on the long grueling days!

We have many recipes to post for our Thanksgiving Menu so keep an eye out in the upcoming days. In the meantime, we hope you give this sticky chocolate cake recipe a try! We did and we liked the end result.

Have questions or ideas, let us know!

We would love to hear from you!


The Morgan Sisters.

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