Southwest Pork Chop Foil Packs

These Southwest Pork Chop Foil Packs are like taking a road trip for your taste buds! Each delicious foil pack is bursting with flavor. The pork chops are juicy and tender while the southwest spices are tangy yet mild. The corn and black beans compliment the pork in harmonious flavor.

Just what are Southwest Pork Chops Foil Packs

The name says it all, y’all! Seriously, this recipe is just about as simple and self explanatory as one could get. We have pork chops with southwest seasonings that are wrapped in tin foil to bake.

Add in the black beans and corn to simmer together with the pork chop and you’ve got yourself a wild west meets cowboy (or girl) type of meal!

Just about the only thing missing is cooking these pork chop bundles out in the desert on an open fire! Yee Haw!

How handy that each Southwest pork chops foil packs are a full meal in each bundle. Serve with rice and dinner is done!

Southwest Pork Chop Foil Packs

Choosing your pork chops for this southwest in foil packs recipe.

We normally buy the thick cut chops, about 3/4 to 1 inch thick. The thicker the cut, the juicer the meat.

Tip: If you use thinner chops you will need to adjust the baking time to about 25 minutes.

We like to use chicken in this recipe as well and have found the results similar to pork chops. In other words, the chicken came out moist and tender too!

Safety Tip: Always use a meat thermometer to ensure the meat is done!

For more information on food handling and safety, visit

The making of our foil wrapped pork chops in Southwest seasonings!

This is such a simple and easy to make recipe but it tastes like we have been cooking for hours. Your friends and family will think you have been slaving over a hot oven ALL DAY!

Let them think what they will! Little do they know.

Here is the lowdown:

First, preheat oven.

Second, rip off sheets of tinfoil (amount needed will depend on how many pork chops you will be baking).

Third, put pork chop in the middle of the tinfoil (we seasoned the pork chop here ahead of time).

Fourth, add corn on one side of the pork chop and black beans on the other and top with seasonings and cheese.

Last but not least is to roll up those cute little tinfoil packs and then put them in the oven to bake.

Conclusion and last minute thoughts

We have done up to 6 of these Southwest Pork Chop Packs at a time, and it only takes just a few more minutes prepping the packets. We just assembly line the prepping and it goes by real quick!

The nice thing about our Southwest Pork Chop Foil Packs is you can season each pack per an individual’s taste. Now, how handy is that!? This is where you can adjust your spices to make it spicy or mild.

We love a recipe like this that offers the ability to meet individual tastes. How about you?

Now, we do have a picky eater in our household named Rochelle so it is nice to be able to adjust for her likes. She is pretty happy with salt and some garlic powder on hers, and loves how moist and tender they are.

Southwest Pork Chop Foil Packs

The texture of the pork chops is juicy and tender. The spices blend well with the corn and black beans but don’t overpower the natural favor of the pork chop.

Let your taste buds take a road trip with this good enough to write home about Southwest Pork Chop Foil Packs recipe!

Need a good dessert to go with dinner idea? Check out our Decadent Chocolate Pound Cake and How To Make The Easiest Fudge Brownies Ever recipes!

We would love to hear from you so drop us a line.


The Morgan Sisters

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