Easy Halloween Treats for Kids

Making Halloween treats for kids should be easy and fun! This time a year is already busy enough with turning your house into spooksville and finding costumes that you and your kids can agree on. Therefore, it is important to have fun but also be able to make life easier on yourself. Life is, after all, too busy as it is on a normal day, let alone during the start of the holidays!

Make easy Halloween treats for kids that are easy on you too!

While this is a food blog where we are supposed to share homemade recipes, not even we are going to make cupcakes from scratch for trick or treaters (not even during a normal year). Hey, reality bites and the world we live in is chaotic enough! Save yourself some grief and time and follow along as we create a few spookalishious kid friendly treats!

Disclaimer: If you are looking for Martha Stewart, Y’all have come to the wrong page! Honestly, Kudos to Martha and anyone else who has that time and energy to spare!

Chocolate Rice Krispies Graveyard Treats

We start with a big thanks to https://www.ricekrispies.com/en_US/home.html as the main ingredient in our graveyard treats is Rice Krispies, Chocolate Rice Krispies that is. We love making Rice Krispies treats and chose the chocolate cereal as it would resemble the earthy color of our graveyard.

Chocolate Rice Krispies Graveyard Treats

We make the Krispie Treats as usual and spread the mixture out into a 9 x 13 inch pan. Once the mixture is cool enough to handle, and to hold shape, then we start making our graves. We had to use one of Rochelle’s dollhouse laundry basket to make the graves.

Don’t judge, you gotta work with what you got!!. Plus, it worked! Hopefully, y’all will have something more kitchen like to make your graves!

**All doll furniture was washed then dried before use**

Once the Rice Krispies are molded into shape and are cool, It is time cut each grave out. Now comes the fun part! Decorating the Halloween treats! This is so fun and kids love being able to help. In addition, it is such an easy treat to make.

Easy decorating ideas with kids for Halloween treats

Rochelle loves to help out in the kitchen so we made sure that she was able to participate in our Halloween treats.

First, we used chocolate frosting to cover the grave bases. Second, we added crumbled Oreos for the dirt.

Tip: Remove the cream filling from the Oreos first. It cuts down on some of the mess factor!

We chose Pepperidge Farms Milano cookies (https://www.pepperidgefarm.com/product-categories/milano-cookies/) and cut off the bottom part to make our tombstones. Next, we added gummy worms crawling out of the graves and some candy eyeballs for spook factor. This is where you and your kids can get really creative and find all sorts of goodies to decorate your Chocolate Rice Krispies graveyard treats!

Easy Spookcakes…er, we mean cupcakes

We used a Betty Crocker chocolate cake mix (https://www.bettycrocker.com/) to make cupcakes, then decorated them for Halloween too. Again, this is where anything goes! The same toppings and decorations were used as with the graveyard treats.

Hey all, it doesn’t have to be perfect because the most important thing is spending time and making memories with you children! For example, Rochelle had so much fun that she even decorated some of the Oreos for our blog.

The main thing is to have fun! Be creative! Enjoy!

Looking for yummy dessert ideas? Check out our other recipes such as our Decadent Chocolate Pound Cake or Oreo Cheesecake Review!

Happy Halloween!


The Morgan Sisters

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By yvonne

Hi, my name is Yvonne. I am the other half of the Morgan sisters. We are, believe it or not, twins! Fraternal twins at that. We live in the bountiful Willamette valley where the seasons are mild and the harvests are plentiful. I have a beautiful little red headed daughter named Rochelle.

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